pp108 : Working with Cases in the Inbox

Working with Cases in the Inbox

This topic describes the procedure to access cases in My Inbox and do certain actions on them.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications App Palette, click (My Inbox). The My Inbox window appears, displaying the personal tasks, by default.
  2. Click Case(s) tab in the left pane of My Inbox. All the case models are displayed below.
  3. Click the required <case model>. All the case instances to which the user is associated are displayed on the right-side.

    Click the required case instance to display the related activities.

  4. Do any of the following to open the Case Instance Overview:
    • Click the required <case instance> to display the related activities in the Case Activities section below.
    • Double-click the required <case instance> to view the Case Instance Overview. The Case Instance Overview page is displayed. For more information on the Case Instance Overview interface, refer to Case Instance Overview Interface.
  5. Do any of the following to open the Case Activity Overview:
    • If a certain action can be done on an activity without opening it, select the required <activity> and perform the necessary actions from the task tool bar.

      Only the automatic followups are triggered if the activity is completed from this view. For more information on the various actions that can be performed on an activity, refer to Working with Inbox.

    • Double-click the required activity. The Case Activity View page appears, displaying all the released case activities for that instance on the left pane. For more information on the Case Activity Overview interface, refer to Case Activity Overview Interface.

You can perform the required operations on the cases.

  • You can attach various file formats to the case models and case activities that are displayed in the Process Platform Inbox. Refer to Attaching files to a Case for more information on the procedure to attach files to cases.
  • You can know the contact information of an assignee by placing the mouse pointer on a name in the Assignee column. A tooltip containing the contact information of the assignee appears.
  • To view the history of cases, select the required case and click on the Task tool bar. A context menu appears, displaying Task History and Case History options.
    • Select Task History, to view the history of the task that is opened. An Item History page appears, displaying the status of the selected task.
    • Select Case History, to view the history of all the activities of the case instance. A Case Instance History page appears, displaying the states of various case activities on the Case Activity tab and the overview of the case on the Overview tab. Refer to Case Activities Interface, for more information on the fields in the Case Instance History page.
    • To view the history of a particular task, do any of the following:
      • Click the required task in the Case Instance History page, and click on the tool bar. A Task page appears, displaying the status of the selected task.
      • Right-click the required task and select Show History. A Task page appears, displaying the status of the selected task.
      • Double-click the task to open it in a Read-Only mode. This helps in knowing the details of the task. Alternatively, you can right-click the task and select Show Details. The task is opened in a Read-Only mode.

Related tasks

Creating a Case Model
Creating a User Interface Using a Web Page URL
Attaching Files to a Case

Related information

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Working with Inbox